From building blocks to finished apps

apps for Founders


Efficient use of time and money

Founders are constantly under pressure to yield values, so we prioritise on only doing things that are necessary but also not cutting corners.

We do this by breaking down the development process into small phases, enabling constant evaluation and feedback to maximise efficiency.

Bespoke project plans

Bespoke project plans

We create a custom development plan on how to best meet your business and user needs making sure our expectations are aligned and are clear from the start. This includes timeline, cost, deliverables, processes and app requirements.

App and usability design

App and usability design

We’ll work with your users, business and vision to create an app design that meets their needs. This is done by multiple processes each building on top of the other such as user flow, moodboard, wireframe, design prototype, usability testing and final design.



Rather than a Minimum Viable Product, we believe that a MVP should be a Minimum Valuable Product, yielding values to your users and business. For our MVP, we research to discover which functionalities deliver most value and we don’t cut corners on their usability, design and development.

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  • Mastery
  • Full team
  • Cutting edge
  • For you


10+ years of team experience in software development across a variety of industries from legal and healthcare to gig-economy, transport, entertainment, education and apps for children.

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How do we start? What's the process like?

Normally a project starts with understanding user and business context, which help plan functionalities and design. Development is done in iterations enabling frequent testing and feedback, after which the app is deployed and launched. However, the process can be tailored to your needs.

What are other projects you worked on?
How much does it cost to build an app?
Do you accept shares instead of cash?
Will it be worth it?
What happens after we build it?

How can we help?


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